Safety Resilient For Occupation Health & Safety Management Awareness (MK3L)

Tayan, November 9, 2022. PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina held Safety Resilient activity which was attended by employees and the Company's vendors’ employees. Safety Resilience is part of the implementation of the Environmental Occupational Safety and Health Management System (MK3L). The activity aimed to prepare employees ability in adapting to various conditions and changes as to attain zero accidents and occupational related diseases. The activity also aimed to create a safe, efficient and productive operations.
The activities will be carried out regularly every week and will be followed by all employees and employees of the Company’s business partners. During the activity, the Company conducted pre-test and post-test to measure employees' knowledge and understanding of MK3L.
The activity reflected the Company's preventive responsibility in maintaining the safety of employees and partners. The Company views that increasing individual and collective awareness to comply with the occupational safety and health regulations is crucial.