PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina's Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

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PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA) is committed to fulfilling its mission by utilizing resources optimally and sustainably while prioritizing occupational safety and environmental conservation. One of the programs implemented to support environmental conservation is reforestation or tree planting in the factory area.

The goal of this tree-planting program is to transform the factory area landscape into a greener, shadier, and more comfortable environment that is no longer barren. This is considered important to create a conducive and comfortable working environment for employees. This program is also in line with industrial area development regulations, which require a minimum of 10 percent of Green Open Space (RTH).

Through this tree-planting program, PT ICA hopes to help improve the surrounding environment and support the success of the One Billion Indonesia Trees (OBIT) program initiated by the central government. By conducting reforestation or tree planting in the factory area, PT ICA is participating in preserving the environment and reducing negative impacts on it.

Moreover, this program also has a positive impact on employee health and welfare. A greener and shadier environment in the factory area can create better working conditions and improve employee welfare. This can help increase employee performance and productivity.